International Pronouns Day — Resources on Personal Pronouns

International Pronouns Day

Third Wednesday of October

October 15, 2025

International Pronouns Day seeks to make respecting, sharing, and educating about personal pronouns commonplace. Referring to people by the pronouns they determine for themselves is basic to human dignity. Being referred to by the wrong pronouns particularly affects transgender and gender nonconforming people. Together, we can transform society to celebrate people’s multiple, intersecting identities.

What is International Pronouns Day?

International Pronouns Day began in 2018 and takes place on the 3rd Wednesday of October each year. Individuals and groups participate in grassroots activities that they determine at the local level. The campaign has no central body, although this is the only official website. Grassroots social justice advocates are empowered to generate their own resources/adaptations. Local organizers should seek to center the voices, needs, and interests of trans/nonbinary people/leaders, particularly those who face multiple marginalizations, in their planning efforts. Advocates are encouraged to consider the many possible layers of work from media to education to community resourcing to policies and practices that promote belonging and justice.

What is International Pronouns Day not meant to be?

International Pronouns Day is not meant to primarily serve as corporate marketing/sales or as a fundraiser. The International Pronouns Day founder suggests that instead large companies/organizations should focus on their internal practices and improvements before engaging externally, and if engaging externally to truly center the purposes of the campaign. While some small companies/organizations (e.g. that are led by trans/nonbinary/queer folks) may use the day to promote their company/organization, this should still not be the primary purpose! While some groups may choose to do some fundraising during the campaign for trans/nonbinary causes, when options are available in one’s country/locality, please use these funds to support groups led by trans/nonbinary people, especially folks who are multiply marginalized, and please use these funds to support trans/nonbinary organizations when possible (rather than general LGBTQ+ organizations).

What is the primary hashtag?

#PronounsDay. You may, of course, also come up with your own hashtags, and there may be variations for different languages and focuses.

What about pronouns in languages other than English?

Some languages do not have gendered personal pronouns, and so this is not an issue or concern. Some languages have gendered terms that people use referring to themselves (not just in referring to others). Some languages gender more than just pronouns, including various nouns and adjectives describing people. International Pronouns Day is open to all who may find it useful to adapt or utilize in their context. We encourage content creators to make materials that are relevant to their languages and that center trans/nonbinary folks who are speakers of those languages.

Do I have to use the pronouns someone wants me to use when I refer to them?

It's common courtesy and basic to human dignity to do so, like calling someone by their name. Some jurisdictions and organizations have also made it clear that intentionally or repeatedly using the incorrect pronouns could be evidence of discriminatory harassment or a hostile environment.

Do people have to share their pronouns?

Some people only want to be referred to by their name, may not wish to share their pronouns, or may go by multiple sets of pronouns or only certain pronouns in certain contexts. Sharing your own pronouns, though, helps to let people know how you like to be referred to, and it also creates a culture where it's okay to share and by sharing you help to disrupt the idea that making assumptions is going to work. More important than sharing your own pronouns is respecting the pronouns others go by.

Will International Pronouns Day always be the same date each year?

International Pronouns Day will be on the 3rd Wednesday of October each year. Thus, these are the upcoming dates:

Wednesday, October 15, 2025
Wednesday, October 21, 2026
Wednesday, October 20, 2027
Wednesday, October 18, 2028
Wednesday, October 17, 2029

What if we have a conflict on the date and want to organize activities on another date?

If a local group is better served by celebrating, educating, and advocating on a differing date, we encourage them to do so.

Could you send me materials or help fund my local event? Could you support my travel or sponsor my visa to another country?

This campaign is grassroots and at this time does not have a centralized organization, set of funds, or volunteers. You are encouraged to act locally and connect with local groups.

What if pronouns are not a priority issue in my community?

Intersecting forms of oppression can deeply impact our communities. Transgender people, especially those whose gender is or is perceived to be outside of a man/woman binary, are sometimes harassed and treated with hostility, which is often evidenced by intentional or repeated use of the wrong pronouns.

We seek to stop the violence that disproportionately affects transgender women and femmes of color, which often seeks to humiliate and obliterate, and which is rooted in the desire to exert power, to erase and control. Using the right pronouns is one of the most basic starting points to acknowledging the humanity of transgender and gender nonconforming people. While that may not in and of itself stop the violence, it is an entry point into conversation.

That said, we recognize that not all communities will find celebrating, educating, and advocating around pronouns to be among their top priorities. That's understandable. Thus, we encourage those who believe that this campaign will help them and work in their context to join the campaign. Those who have other priorities might choose other days of action to participate in instead, and we understand that.

What is the history of International Pronouns Day?

International Pronouns Day was founded in 2018 as an independent, grassroots project. What happens on International Pronouns Day is dependent on what folks decide to do at the local level in their own organizations and communities. The day historically had a steering committee and co-chairs who volunteered and made great strides for the campaign. The day currently does not have an organized committee or volunteer structure. The campaign does not belong to any particular organization at this time. A brief history of the campaign (written in 2019 and published in 2021) can be understood from this encyclopedia article written by the campaign’s founder.

How can I learn more about pronouns?

This website provides much more explanation, examples, and information about pronouns and gender inclusive language. See the appropriate section for more: